Mission Field Reports

2023 Mission Field Report

Great is our God who has brought much help and increase to His fields under our watch by His grace!

The Baruba Missions has grown from 12 to 14 missions field! Two additional fields were opened and two new missionaries joined and one takes a bow out of the mis- sions workforce. We have a total of six missionary couples working among the Baruba and Atakora peoples in Nige- ria and Benin Republic.

The names of the Baruba Missions Fields are; Wonko, Dannou, Hoto, Dekassi, Dantcha, Tontarou, Nikki, Wonda- ra, Gberupadan, Chikanda, Yashikira, Abakou, Gure and Shinaguru. (See Page 8 for the names of the fields’ coor- dinators

The missions to the Fulani nation is equally growing with the converts being discipled by a Fulani missionary. The Missions among the Nupe too is flourishing as God helps the family of his servant Rev’d Alamu who coordinates the work from Patigi. He singly coordinates three church- es in the region.

Join us to pray for the new converts that their faith will survive the harshest prosecution.
