Read more about the article Our Operations
Messiah Arena Missions

Our Operations

Our Operations:Sowing the seed  of  the  gospel  at  every  given  opportunity  -  in crusades, seminars,  or one-on-one bases.We extend calls to missionaries for mission fields.Support and train missionaries.4. Provide  periodic …

Read more about the article Messiah Arena Model
Messiah Arena Our Value Offerings

Messiah Arena Model

Messiah Arena ModelThe Arena is the central stage for the demonstration of the power and love of God. Unlike the Arena that is used for sports and other forms of…

Read more about the article Baruba People Group
Messiah Arena Missions at Baruba People Group

Baruba People Group

BAURUBA (also called Bariba) are people of Borgu.Borgu (French: Borgou) is a region in north-west Nigeria and in the northern Republicof Benin. The three major kingdoms of Borgu are Bussa,…