Traditionally at Christmas, people share and exchange gifts, feast and generally engage in music and dancing. This is our major outreach yearly and we have reached out to over 10,000 people. We adopt five major strategies:
In the recent years, we have included Youth and Ministers conference as a means of empowering them in other to jump start holistic community transformation and effective follow-up of program converts. This is made possible by our deep commitment to partner with resident Christian association and Ministers in the domain of the program. Our past nine (9) years programs are as follow:
Celebrating the King
Year | Location | People Group |
2007 | Port Novo and Meserete, Benin Republic | Egun, Fons and Yorubas |
2008 | Ife Odan, Oyo State | Yorubas |
2009 | Isanlu Isin Kwara State | Igbominas |
2010 | Nikki, Republic of Benin | Barubas |
2011 | Ningrumi and Gwanara in Kwara State | Barubas and Hausas |
2012 | Okuta, Kwara State | Barubas and Fulanis |
2013 | Patigi, Kwara State | Nupes, Hausas, Fulanis and Yorubas |
2014 | Ayetoro and its surrounding communities (15 villages) , Oyo State | Yorubas |
2015 | Ponyan, Kogi State & Irele- Ekiti, Ekiti State | Yorubas & Tivs |